
Art. 01. | Nature and institutional mission

  1. The National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (INAPP), is a national research body established by decree of the President of the Republic of 30 June 1973, No. 478, regulated in accordance with article 10 of legislative decree of 14 September 2015, No. 150, with its own independence of judgement and scientific, methodologic, organisational, administrative and accounting autonomy, as provided for in legislative decree of 29 October 1999, No. 419. The Institute is based in Rome, and is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
  2. Inapp carries out research activities, strategic analyses, monitoring and assessment of economic, social, labour, education and vocational training policies, for the purpose of transferring and applying the outcome thereof for the scientific, cultural, technological, economic and social development of the Country, as well as in order to provide technical and scientific support to the State and to public administrations.
  3. Inapp promotes scientific merit according to international research standards, as well as debate with the international scientific community, and openness thereto, also through mobility and exchange procedures, cooperation with other national and international research institutions, and a periodic assessment of results of its own activity, as provided for in article 17 of legislative decree of 25 November 2016, No. 218.
  4. Inapp supports the effective operation of a European research space, and adopts the European Charter for Researchers annex to Commission Recommendation 2005/251/EC of 11 March 2005. Inapp’s recruiting procedures are based on the code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers which is annex to the above recommendation. Inapp ensures its researchers and technologists what is provided for in article 2, subparagraph 1, of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016 and requests from them that they abide by the provisions of article 2, subparagraph 2, of the above-mentioned legislative decree.

Art. 02. | Tasks and functions

  1. For the purposes referred to in article 1, and for the performance of functions assigned to the Institute by article 10, subparagraph 2, of legislative decree of 14 September 2015, No. 150, lnapp: a) performs and promotes study, research, experimentation, documentation, information and assessment activities on such subjects as referred to in article 1, including those set forth in article 10, subparagraph 2, of legislative decree No. 150 of 2015; b) upon request of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Inapp provides technical and scientific support on such issues as referred to in article 1; c) may perform, by agreement, technical and scientific advisory activity for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, for other Ministries and national public institutions, for autonomous regions and provinces, for the permanent Conference for relations among State, Regions and autonomous Provinces and for the Unified Conference established by legislative decree of 28 August 1997, No. 281; d) may provide services to third parties in the form of stipulations regulated by private law; e) assesses the attainment of goals by the Italian National Agency for Active Labour Policies (Anpal), under article 10, subparagraph 2, letter b), of legislative decree No. 150 of 2015; f) manages and carries out European Union projects, also in collaboration with entities, public institutions, universities or private stakeholders which operate in the domains of education, training and research; g) cooperates with other Institutes and research bodies, also from foreign countries, within the framework and functions that they perform with respect to the issues referred to in article 1, also by carrying out activities, programmes and projects assigned by the above-mentioned parties; h) promotes, carries out and implement activities included in the National Research Programme under article 2, subparagraph 2, of legislative decree of 5 June 1998, No. 204; i) cooperates with international bodies and European Union institutions; l) implements specific projects and national experimental initiatives of an innovative nature; m) oversees the enhancement, dissemination and transfer of results of its own activities; n) cooperates with university institutions, by hosting internships and by carrying out trainee activities within university PhD programmes, possibly by launching PhD programmes and research scholarships under agreements pursuant to article 4, subparagraphs 4 and 6, of law of 3 July 1998, No. 210; o) participates in projects and enters research competitions funded by national and international institutions; p) carries out statistical research in its capacity, in accordance with the decree of the Minister for Institutional Reforms and Regional Affairs of 31 March 1990, as a member of the National Statistic System (Sistan) under article 2 of legislative decree of 6 September 1989, No. 322, in compliance with legislation on  the protection of individuals and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data.
  2. For the purposes and tasks set forth in the previous subparagraph, and in accordance with criteria and terms defined by its own regulation, Inapp may stipulate agreements and conventions, participate in or establish consortiums, foundations and companies with public and private, national and international parties in compliance with the current relevant legislation; it also implements, by means of a specific regulation, the provisions of  article 22 of Law of 30 December 2010, No. 240.
  3. The Institute submits for assessment all results of research, be it carried out individually or at the organisation’s level, as is provided for in guidance and coordination documents issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, pursuant to article 17 of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016. To this end, the three-year Action Plan referred to in article 7 of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016, together with its updates, explain, in terms of quality and quantity, the objectives of institutional, scientific research and third-mission activities, and identify resources allocated to them.

Art. 03. | Organisation and operation

  1. Within the framework of its own autonomy, and taking into account the guidelines provided by the supervising Minister, Inapp defines its own organisation based on a principle of separation among policy and administration guidance functions, research and technical-scientific functions, and administrative functions. To this end, the Institute regulates the above areas according to its own regulations as follows: a) administration, finance and accountancy; b) staff organisation; c) organisation and operation of bodies and units.
  2. Regulations set forth in these Statutes are subject to approval by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, which shall assess their compliance with the principles of legal legitimacy and merit, as is sanctioned by article 4 of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016.
  3. The three-year Action Plan referred to in article 5, subparagraph 2, letter g), pursuant to article 7 of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016, and subsequent updates, is also subject to the approval of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. Inapp provides the Ministry with periodic reports on the operational performance or on the state of implementation of strategic goals.

Art. 04. | Bodies of the Institute

  1. Bodies of Inapp are as follows: a) the President; b) the Board of Directors; c) the Scientific Committee; d) the Board of Auditors.
  2. The President’s salary, as well as the salaries and fees for members of the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors are determined by decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, in conjunction with the Minister of Economy and Finance, and their amount shall be set in compliance with any prospective related guidelines issued by the President of the Council of Ministers.

Art. 05. | President

  1. The President is appointed by decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, and shall hold office for a four-year term, renewable only once.
  2. The President is the Institute’s legal representative and shall perform the following functions: a) supervise the Institute’s performance, ensure coherence of guidance, and coordinate the Institute’s technical and scientific activity for which the President is responsible; b) oversee relations with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and with other institutional bodies, and represent the Institute in its relations with the State and public administrations, other bodies and institutions, including international ones, media and communication bodies; c) chair the Board of Directors, setting the agenda of meetings, and the calling thereof; d) chair the Scientific Committee, without voting rights; e) upon hearing the opinion of the Scientific Committee, provide advice to the Director General on the matter of appointing researchers; f) set guidance and goals of research activity, issuing guidelines to the Director General  for their implementation, while taking into account the strategic objectives set at a national and European level, and the guidelines issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies; g) upon hearing the opinion of the Scientific Committee, and taking into account the guidelines issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, submit the three-year Action Plan, updated on a yearly basis, to the Board of Directors; h) ensure that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies is provided with the necessary cooperation in terms of ministerial supervision, therefore forwarding resolutions subject to approval and any supplementary documents requested; i) put forward to the Minister of Labour and Social Policies the proposal of appointment of non-elected members of the Scientific Committee. l) identify the person in charge of corruption prevention and transparency, pursuant to art. 1, subparagraph 7, of law of 6 November 2012, No. 190.
  3. The President is in charge of matters and deeds entrusted upon him by the Board of Directors or, in cases of urgent need, of matters and deeds that are subject to ratification at the first subsequent meeting of the Board itself; the President shall exercise all powers not-expressly conferred on other organs by the law and regulations, in compliance with the criterion of distinction between guidance and management activity.
  4. In case of absence or temporary impediment, the President may delegate to a member of the Board of Directors the legal representation and other functions related to the President’s office.

Art. 06. | Board of Directors

  1. In principle, a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be summoned by the President once a month. It may also meet remotely via videoconference. The Director General shall participate in Board meetings without voting rights. In particular, the Board of Directors shall be responsible for: a) identifying and defining, upon the President’s proposal, objectives to pursue and programmes to implement, by adopting general guidelines, in the light of the guiding principles issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Institute, and by defining financial requirements; b) approving, upon the President’s proposal, the three-year Action Plan and its related updates, the three-year requirement plan, forecast budgets and their related notes of variation, balance-sheets and reports on activities pursuant to article 13; c) approving, upon the President’s proposal, statutory amendments and regulations referred to in article 3, subject to the provisions referred to in articles 3, subparagraph 2, and 17, subparagraph 3; d) appointing the Director General, upon the President’s proposal; e) defining fundamental organisational lines, in compliance with criteria referred to in legislative decree of 30 March 2001, No. 165, in legislative decree of 27 October 2009, No. 150, and in legislative decree of 29 October 1999, No. 419, and identifying, upon the President’s proposal, the Directorate General’s goals, in accordance with the provisions set in the three-year Action Plan; f) verifying the extent to which results attained by administrative and management activity are met as against the guidelines issued, based on the outcome of assessments carried out by the Independent Assessment Body pursuant to article 14 of legislative decree No. 150 of 2009; g) appointing the Independent Assessment Body, upon the President’s proposal; h) approving, in compliance with the current legislation, upon the President’s proposal, the three-year Performance Plan, the three-year Corruption Prevention and Transparency Plan, and the reports thereof.
  2. The Board of Directors shall be informed by both the President and the Director General on the Institute’s activity and operation, and may request specific reports to be drafted concerning individual issues.
  3. The Board shall hold office for a four-year term. In accordance with the provisions of article 10, subparagraph 1, of legislative decree No. 150 of 2015 and of article 2, subparagraph 1, letter n), of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016, the Board consists of the President of the Institute and four members of acclaimed scientific and professional experience in the domains of operation of the Institute, appointed by decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. One of the members shall be selected by the Conference of Regions’ Presidents within the staff of regional departments responsible for matters within the sphere of activity of the Institute, one shall be appointed in agreement with the Conference of Regions’ Presidents, and one shall be elected by the Institute’s researchers and technologists. Resolutions incumbent on the Board of Directors shall be taken by a majority vote of members attending. In case of a tie the President’s vote shall prevail, with the exception of such cases as provided for in subparagraph 1, letters b) and c).

Art. 07. | Scientific Committee

  1. The Scientific Committee is appointed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. It consists of five members, two of whom shall be elected by the Institute’s researchers and technologists, to be also chosen among those employed on a fixed-term contract basis, according to terms to be defined pursuant to the organization and operation regulation, in keeping with the principle of gender equality. The other members shall be selected among university professors, researchers, technologists, experts, including foreign experts, of acclaimed scientific qualification, having competence in the fields of research carried out by the Institute, upon proposal of the President, in line with the principle of gender equality.
  2. Members of the Scientific Committee shall hold office for a four-year term and may be reappointed only once.
  3. The Committee shall perform the following functions
    a) provide the President with non-binding opinions on the three-year Plan and on the yearly update of research plans;
    b) carry out advisory activity upon request of the President and of the Board of Directors;
    c) deliver non-binding opinions on the selection of those responsible for research activities.
  4. The Scientific Committee is chaired, without voting rights, by Inapp’s President, who shall convene it on a six-monthly basis, and whenever the President deems it necessary, and sets the agenda thereof. The Committee shall adopt a regulation to carry out its activity, may appoint an internal coordinator of works, and also meet remotely via videoconference. Whenever necessary, due to the presence of foreign members, the Committee may carry out its meetings both in the Italian and English languages simultaneously.
  5. Participation in the Scientific Committee is on an honorary basis and does not entail any burdens at the expense of the budget of Inapp, with the exception of reimbursements of expenses incurred, and documented, for the participation in Committee meetings.

Art. 08. | Board of Auditors

  1. The Board of Auditors is in charge of verifying the administrative and accounting correctness of the Institute, as provided for in legislative decree of 30 June 2011, No. 123, as well as in civil code provisions, insofar as they are compatible. Board members shall be appointed among those listed in the register of statutory auditors, or among professionals having that specific expertise.
  2. The Board of Auditors shall hold office for a four-year term and is appointed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. The Board consists of a President appointed by the Minister of Economy and Finance, two full members, respectively appointed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies and by the unified Conference pursuant to legislative decree No. 281 of 1997, and an alternate member appointed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, who is not entitled to any salary and shall take over in case of death, waiver or forfeiture of a full member.

Art. 09. | Independent Body of Performance Assessment

  1. The Independent Body of Performance Assessment, as referred to in article 14 of legislative decree No. 150 of 2009, has a monocratic form, in compliance with criteria defined under subparagraph 2-bis of said article.

Art. 10. | Organisation of the Institute

  1. Inapp’s organisation is based on the separation of management and responsibilities between research and technical and scientific advisory activities on one side, and administrative functions on the other, including administrative functions aimed at the implementation of research activities.
  2. The Director General is in charge of coordinating the administrative activity for the purpose of ensuring its unitariness, while also overseeing the work of non-general executive offices, which shall not exceed five in number, pursuant to article 17 of legislative decree No, 165 of 2001.
  3. The financial management of the Institute is subject to the supervision of the Corte dei Conti (the Italian Court of Auditors) pursuant to article 12 of Law of 21 March 1958, No. 259.

Art. 11. | Scientific coordination

  1. Scientific coordination of research and technical and scientific advisory activities carried out by the Institute is guaranteed by the President.
  2. Research and technical and scientific advisory activities carried out by the Institute are organised in homogeneous areas and cross-cutting services, according to terms defined in the regulation pursuant to article 3, subparagraph 1, letter c).

Art. 12. | Director General

  1. The position of Director General is an executive office of general level. The Director General is in charge of the administrative management of the Institute and shall oversee the implementation of resolutions issued by the Board of Directors and by the President. To this end the Director General: a) shall supervise the activity of all non-general level executive offices, and oversee their organisation, while ensuring administrative coordination of all branches of the Institute with regard to the implementation of guidance documents, plans, programs, and general guidelines set by the President and by the Board of Directors; b) shall participate in meetings of the Board of Directors, without voting rights; c) shall adopt deeds relating to the organisation of non-general level executive offices; d) shall ensure staff organisation tasks; e) shall appoint those in charge of research activities, upon the President’s proposal; f) shall develop, consistently with guidelines set by the President, three-year Action plan schemes, including the three-year planning of requirements and regulations under article 3; g) shall draw up budgets and balance-sheets of the Institute and their related notes of variation, as well as the yearly assessment report on operating results; h) shall adopt administrative deeds and provisions, and exercise spending powers within the Director’s responsibility; i) shall exercise the powers of acquisition of the Institute’s incomes. l) shall report periodically to the President and Board of Directors as regards management practices that are implemented.
  2. The Director General is selected among experts with high professional qualification and acclaimed management experience, also among personnel outside the public administration; should that be the case, the employment relationship shall be settled by a fixed-term contract governed by private law. In case of a public employee, the Director General shall be considered as suspended from their position and placed on unpaid leave. The employment relationship of the Director General shall have a four-year term, renewable only once.

Art. 13. | Budgets, reports and controls

  1. The Board of Directors shall approve the forecast budget no later than 31 October of the year prior to the one the budget refers to, and the balance-sheet no later than 30 April past the end of the reporting period. Both the budget and the balance-sheet shall be drafted in compliance with regulations under article 3, and shall be approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies within deadlines as referred to in article 2 of the decree of the President of the Republic of 9 November 1998, No. 439.

Art. 14. | Financial resources

  1. The Institute’s sources of incomes are: a) a yearly ordinary contribution for the operation and regular activities of the Institute, in accordance with the three-year Action Plan pursuant to article 6, subparagraph 1, letter b), to be charged to the estimate of revenue and expenditure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies; b) contributions by Inps (the Italian National Institute for Social Security) and Inail (the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) aimed at the performance of Inapp’s research activities in the domain of social policies; c) any possible contributions to be charged to the Special Supplementary Fund as provided for in article 1, subparagraph 3, of legislative decree of 5 June 1998, No. 204; d) any possible allocations and contributions by the European Union or by other international bodies, or by public bodies; e) agreements with public and private parties; f) any other possible incomes related to activities of the Institute.

Art. 15. | Assets and procedural rules

  1. Inapp’s assets consist of movable and immovable property of all kinds that the Institute receives as a consequence of bequests, donations, purchases and in any other way.
  2. In case of dissolution of the Institute, net assets resulting from the liquidation shall be donated to bodies with similar purposes.
  3. Inapp is entitled to have access to advice and legal aid by Avvocatura dello Stato (the italian State’s Attorney) pursuant to article 43 of Royal Decree of 30 October 1933, No. 1611.

Art. 16. | Incompatibility and assignment failure

  1. Provisions apply as referred to in Law of 6 November 2012, No. 190, and in legislative decree of 8 April 2013, No. 39.

Art. 17. | Transitional and final provisions

    1. Inapp’s Statutes, as approved, complemented, and amended, by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 11 January 2011, shall be deemed as repealed as from the entry into force of the Statutes set forth herein.
    2. Any subsequent amendments to the Statutes shall be made in compliance with article 4 of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016.
    3. Regulations referred to in article 3, subparagraph 1, shall be adopted no later than 120 days after the present Statutes begin their course of validity.
    4. Upon implementation of the Statutes set forth herein, current members of the Board of Directors shall remain in office until the expiration of their term and the Board shall be complemented without delay pursuant to article 6.
    5. Pursuant to article 4, subparagraph 4, of legislative decree No. 218 of 2016, the Statutes set forth herein shall be published on the institutional websites of Inapp and of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, and notice shall be given in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic.

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Last updated: 9 December 2020