Survey of Adult Educational Behaviours (INDACO-Adults)

Objective: measure the uptake of adult lifelong learning programs, with thematic insights
Survey population: individuals aged 18-64 years old
Data collection technique: mixed CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)/CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing)
National Statistical Program: yes (code IAP-00003)

The Survey of Adult Learning Behaviours (INDACO-Adults) is a sample survey aimed at assessing the uptake of life-learning programs amongst adults.

The survey examines a range of areas, ranging from the participation in education and training activities among the adult population, both formal and informal, sociodemographic, cultural, and occupational gaps in access and perceived benefits, skills, barriers to access, intergenerational learning, to pandemic transition and smart working. 

Data collection consists of three phases: quantitative research involves a sample of 40,000 individuals categorised by gender, age group (ranging from 18-64), educational qualification, and location (Italian region). A more in-depth analysis is conducted on a sample of 10,000 individuals, and simultaneously, researchers conduct 200 qualitative interviews, targeting employed individuals with significant experience in participation in life-learning education programs. 

The survey is conducted by the Continuing Education and Adult Learning Research Group as part of the activities of the Training Systems Structure.

INDACO-Adults is carried out by Inapp and developed on the basis of scientific cooperation with Istat. Included among the surveys of public interest, its implementation is provided for by the National Operational Program – Active Employment Policy Systems (PON SPAO) co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020 Work Programme, for which Inapp operates as an Intermediate Body.

For more information: [email protected].

Materials related to individual years:

2009QuestionnaireMethodological Note