25.05.2023 – Unisannio and Inapp sign a partnership


The partnership aims to develop a broad and intensive collaboration on legal, economic, statistical, engineering and IT skills. This is what is envisaged in the agreement signed by the University of Sannio and INAPP-National Institute for Public Policy Analysis.

The partnership will encompass joint training and research projects, technical and scientific consulting activities aimed at developing and tackling labour market issues, and provide internship opportunities with INAPP for the students of the University of Sannio.

The agreement was signed this morning by Gerardo Canfora, Dean of the University of Sannio and INAPP President Sebastiano Fadda.

“The agreement with the Institute, which performs a strategic function for the country in the field of social and labour policies, represents an opportunity to expand the cooperation network of the University of Sannio,” said Prof. Canfora. “The topics of common interest concern, in particular, labour market, local development and innovative models of public policies in the digital society.”

“In a period of profound structural change, the collaboration between research centres dedicated to the analysis of evolutionary trends and processes is needed to deepen the knowledge and navigate these changes,” said Prof. Sebastiano Fadda. “As such, the agreement between INAPP and the University of Sannio is timely and effective, as it will look at developing research projects on public policies in this field that will also devote special attention to the needs of Southern Italy.


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