Natale Forlani appointed new President of Inapp

15.04.2024 – Natale Forlani was appointed President of Inapp by decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies with effect from 5 April 2024.

An expert in industrial relations, the employment market and work organisation, he was one of the authors, together with Marco Biagi, of the Libro Bianco sul Lavoro.

After serving as CISL’s national confederal secretary, Forlani was President and CEO of Italia Lavoro S.p.A., later Director General of the D.G. Immigration and Integration Policies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, as well as a member of the Board of Auditors of INPS.

He is currently President of the Scientific Committee for the evaluation of measures to combat poverty and the Citizenship Income, and a columnist on labour issues for various newspapers.