Presentation of the 21st Monitoring Report on the VET System and Dual Paths in VET


In 2021-22, students engaged in dual-mode VET paths were 50,410 (+19.5%) compared to the previous year

Strong participation in training paths, with growing involvement in accredited Training Centres (69%)

46% of new enrolments represent a recovery from dropout rates in other educational paths, confirming the importance of valuing the work dimension to complete the cultural training path and boost the self-esteem of the young people involved

Rome, June 18, 2024 – Not only high school, technical, and vocational paths. In our country, the number of VET paths realised within accredited centres in dual mode, with at least 30% of the training hours conducted in a work context, is growing. In the 2021-22 academic year, the number of young people engaged in dual-mode VET paths exceeded 50,000. The data already acquired and under processing for the 2022-23 academic year show a more than doubled figure, reaching 108,000 young people, thanks also to the push from PNRR resources. A consolidated growth trend, as the number of students choosing dual-mode VET has doubled in four years (in the 2017/18 academic year, there were 25,140). In the reference year, enrolments in the entire VET system exceeded 228,000. Of these, 158,000 come from vocational training centres, and the other 70,000 from vocational institutes. 8% of the 14-18-year-old population participates in the VET system, with very varied rates across the territory: from 18% in Trento and Bolzano to 13% in Piedmont, 12% in Lombardy, 11% in Sicily, and down to 1% of the population at the age of compulsory education. Among the most common professional figures, catering operators are still the most prevalent, followed by wellness operators and mechanics.

This is what emerges from the 21st Monitoring Report on the VET System and Dual Paths in VET conducted by INAPP (Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies) on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and presented today in Rome at the CNEL.

“The results noted in dual-mode VET paths are encouraging,” said Natale Forlani, president of INAPP, “but there remains a misalignment between supply and demand for professional figures linked to VET qualifications and diplomas in various fields, including logistics, construction, the mechanical sector, and thermal-hydraulic systems.”

Participation in dual-mode paths confirms the strong concentration of enrolments in Lombardy, which alone continues to represent almost half of the entire dual system. Growth is also noted in Sicily, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Puglia, Sardinia, and Marche. Those qualified in dual mode represent about a quarter (24%) of all young people qualified in the entire VET system, while dual-mode graduates account for 75.3% of all VET system graduates. The dual system also includes a specific measure for young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) implemented through modular paths aimed at realigning their skills for reintegration into educational paths or obtaining a VET qualification or diploma or IFTS certification.

“In terms of future programmatic commitment,” Forlani concluded, “there is a need to strengthen collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the regions to consolidate a training offer in many territories, particularly in the South, which present many quantitative and qualitative gaps. This way, we could reintegrate the 2 million young people who neither study nor work (NEET). Additionally, it is necessary to strengthen placement initiatives upon completing training paths, establishing stable networks of dialogue with businesses and inter-professional funds of social partners to reduce the persistent misalignment between the training offered and the needs of companies.”

For more information Giancarlo Salemi (347 – 6312823)