EU Year of Skills: Upskilling and Reskilling the workforce in the wake of the Twin transitions

16.04.2024 – On 18 April at 18.30, the Youth Committee of the Italian Initiative Group (GIIg) – in cooperation with Confartigianato Imprese, A2A and other GII member companies – will organise an event titled “The EU Year of Skills: Upskilling and Reskilling the workforce in the wake of the Twin transitions”.

The event will be focused on 2023, which has been declared the European Year of Skills, and will explore topics such as the availability and upskilling of specialised skills in response to the challenges of the digital and ecological transition, the results of recent European initiatives and Italian and European best practices that serve as benchmarks at enterprise level. The future challenges of the ‘twin transition’ and how the European Union supports the development of training policies to tackle labour shortages and promote specialised skills of global strategic importance will also be discussed.

The conference will be introduced by Federica Favi, the Italian Ambassador to Belgium, and  will be attended by distinguished institutional speakers and business representatives. Participants include Santo Darko Grillo, the Italian coordinator for the European Year of Skills, and representatives of significant entities such as the EU Presidency, the Permanent Representation, the European Commission, the EESC, CEDEFOP, as well as Italian and international companies such as A2A and Confartigianato Imprese.