Job Day Sardegna 2024

25.03.2024 Job Day Sardegna will take place on 26 and 27 March at Fiera Campionaria in Cagliari.

Job Day events provide a meeting point for citizens, students and companies seeking or offering jobs; they are also aimed at encouraging people to discover their own attitudes and skills, as well as offering occasions of orientation and debate on different paths of work and life, disclosing different opportunities for active education and training on the Italian territory, and exploring the evolution and future developments of the labour market.

On 27 March at 16.15, Laura Evangelista and Concetta Fonzo will hold a workshop on behalf of Inapp, whose title is “Assessment and self-assessment of education: what do students think?”

In the context of the event, an information point of Inapp will be present for the dissemination of information materials.

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