Skills for transition. Lombardy’s strategy

20.02.2024 – On 26 February, Regione Lombardia will host an event titled “Skills for transition. Lombardy’s strategy”. It will take place in the Biagi Conference Room of Palazzo Lombardia. 

Such initiative is connected with the POR FSE 2014/2020 event, in the context of policy actions provided for by PR FSE+ 2021/2027. Its main objective is to analyse the strategy adopted by the Region of Lombardy throughout the European Year of Skills.

Its attendants will be representatives of the European Commission and of the Italian Republic, who are professionals in the academic and institutional domains, on both a national and international level.

The debate is preliminary to public disclosure of the outcomes of the FSE 14-20 programme, with special attention to the FSE+ 21-27 perspective.

Representing Inapp, Director General and National Coordinator of the European Year of Skills, Santo Darko Grillo, will attend the event.

Participation is on invitation only. 

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