Stampa e media

25.05.2023 - Unisannio and Inapp sign a partnership

The partnership aims to develop a broad and intensive collaboration on legal, economic, statistical, engineering and IT skills....

16.05.2023 - Inapp: "App-dependent businesses: in the catering industry, commissions can reach over 20 percent for one in three companies."

The average commission that restaurant businesses pay to digital platforms to sell their products is 18 percent, with values above 20 percent for one in three businesses....

18.04.2023 - Inapp, Employment: Record employment rate for VET pathways, 3 years after graduation 71% of graduates and 68% of qualified people are employed

The number of participants in these programmes grows as does their rate of their employment...

03.27.2023 - Latest issue of Inapp's scientific journal published

Latest issue of Inapp's scientific journal was published...

07.03.2023 - Inapp, Employment: 1 in 5 women out of the labour market after giving birth. A third of them are either dismissed or their contract is not renewed.

Presentation of the Plus Report...

24.02.2023 - Education, Inapp: 4 million Italians dropped out of school without obtaining a diploma, another 5 million without finishing university

Advance notice - Inapp Plus survey will be presented on March 7 at the Institute's headquarters...

26.01.2023 - Work, Inapp: Remote Work at a stall: only one in ten people work remotely

These are some of the findings in the latest analysis by Inapp which was presented today at the event ‘Agile work, definition and measurement’...

18.01.2023 - INAPP: Quality of work: still a way to go, especially in the South, and for women and young people.

Inapp presented the 5th Labour Quality Survey - more than 15 thousand employees and 5 thousand enterprises in the country were involved in the survey...

12.01.2023 - Page of Remembrance | Research organisations and Jewish people come to tell the impact of racial laws on science and culture

One year after the creation of the web platform "Page of Remembrance”, the Italian scientific and academic communities formalise and expand their collaboration to collect and disseminate documents and testimonies on the impact of the Nazi-Fascist racial laws on science and culture....