Skills in action

10.01.2024 –On 19 January, a seminar titled “Skills in action” has been organised by Inapp in cooperation with Eurodesk Italy and the University of Bari. 

This event aims at providing attendants with an occasion to learn and share ideas, good practices and useful strategies for the handling of training, which is deemed as a decisive factor in the context of the green and digital transition. To this end, lifelong learning is considered to be crucial for the improvement of individual skills and for economic growth in general. For this reason, EU member states have agreed on a set of common social goals aimed at enhancing and appreciating the value of human capital at all levels. 

The seminar will delve into the crucial theme of adult training aimed at acquiring new skills as a strategy for the attainment of the EU social goals which are scheduled for achievement by 2030. It will also promote debate among this sector’s stakeholders, such as universities, interprofessional funds, training bodies, the institutions and other professionals, aimed at the exchange of points of view and opportunities for reflection.

In his quality of National Coordinator of the European Year of Skill, Inapp’s Director General Santo Darko Grillo will deliver an introductory speech titled “Skills as a competitive factor and as a cornerstone in the EU social model”.

Ismene Tramontano, who is in charge of the Erasmus Agency + Inapp, will be part of Panel II of the seminar, titled “Opportunities for the attainment of necessary skills for good orientation through complexities and transitions”, whereas Claudio Vitali, who is in charge of the Internationalisation Service, will moderate over Panel I, titled “The individual’s right to training: recognising, validating and certifying skills. Strategies, tools and practices”, as well as introduce the final discussion of the seminar’s outcomes. 

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