41% of hotel, restaurant and road transport companies use the Internet to acquire customers.

The press release on the report "Platforms, businesses and work in the tourism, catering and road transport market in Italy"

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Inapp: "Enrolments in VET pathways grow to over 228,000".

The press release on the 21st Monitoring Report on VET and VET dual pathways.

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The new issue of Inappnews, the Inapp newsletter, is online.

Insights on the PLUS 2023 Report, the Continuing Education Report, the new Sinappsi issue and the quality of education and training systems.

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Forlani on the Citizenship Income

The president of Inapp comments on the results of the implementation of the income support measure published on the Ministry of Labour website

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The new issue of Sinappsi 1-2024 is now out.

This issue is dedicated to essential and vulnerable workers after the pandemic, with an essay on the main findings regarding the New Skills and Enterprise Fund.

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The Review of Socioeconomic Indicators Survey (IRIS) is underway

The survey aims to understand the changes introduced by technological, cultural and organisational transitions and to prepare new survey parameters and instruments.

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