Workstreams run by the Research Structures and Services of the Organisation

The Inapp OI 2023-2026 Implementation Plan encompasses 8 Workstreams (projects) with specific related areas of focus and activities run by the Research Structures and Services of the Organisation

Workstream 1

Support the modernisation of the labour market by carrying out research and statistical surveys, including longitudinal ones, that provide up-to-date knowledge and policy-oriented analysis

Workstream 2

Develop the Labour Atlas platform and the Occupational Information System

Workstream 3

Analysis and empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of policy measures aimed at fostering employment

Workstream 4

Improve the quality of vocational education and training systems and measures to facilitate work transitions and strengthen the matching of skills with the needs of production systems

Workstream 5

Improve the effectiveness of inclusion policies and the integration between the social services system and the employment services system

Workstream 6

Assess system networks and implementing functions and develop an integrated and recurrent monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the Universal Civil Service (SCU)

Workstream 7

Guarantee the quality, dissemination and accessibility of the statistical information produced

Workstream 8

Leverage communication initiatives, services and tools to support research/intervention and raise awareness on initiatives