Workstream 1

Areas of focus 

1.     Gender gap and gender impact in policy. The activity intends to further integrate the gender perspective in the analysis and evaluation of policies by conducting studies and analyses aimed at investigating the determinants underlying the structural imbalances that characterise the labour market participation in men and women;

2.     Mature workforce, age management and employment services. The activity sets a research pathway that, starting from the theme of the mature workforce, investigates the effects of the ageing of the workforce to  “anticipate skills needs and ensure timely and tailored interventions to better match supply and demand of skills in the labour market”;

3.     Labour, digital transition, innovation. The activity focuses on the industrial relations system and in particular on collective bargaining as a driver of labour integration in the production/technological transition. In particular, this activity focuses on platform work and remote work and on current and possible forms of protection for digital workers, including through the implementation and testing of new tools;

4.     Local and territorial development tools. The activity intends to produce useful analyses on the subject of local development and the role of the territory – understood as a sphere of intervention and governance system – within the various transition processes;

5.     Development of transversal knowledge systems and analytical bases. The activity intends to cultivate the development of statistical-informative material to supplement the statistical information produced by Official Statistics, with sample and longitudinal surveys to meet the cognitive needs of policymakers and Employment Services operators.