Axes of intervention

Axis I – Employment

Thanks to its consolidated experience, the Institute has implemented planned activities (development and dissemination of models that anticipate the structural changes of the economic system and the labour market, analysis and updating of training and professionalism needs of companies) to improve access to employment for job seekers and inactive people, including the unemployed and people marginalised from labour market. The models and analyses are proposed as necessary preliminary and supporting actions, functional to the planning of targeted interventions on the set objectives.


Axis II – Education and training

The Institute contributed to the implementation of the Pon by: (i) supporting the educational offer and the transparency/strengthening of individuals’ skills; (ii) fostering better understanding of the needs of the labour market, in order to reduce the mismatch between job supply and demand and encourage an ever greater usability of individuals’ skills. An example of the former is that Inapp researched factors that determine school dropouts, promotion of quality lifelong learning system, the implementation of national skills certification system and the validation of learning acquired outside of formal contexts.  As for the latter, Inapp worked, for example, on promoting work-based learnings that more directly promote training-work integration, through analysis and design of intervention models

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Axis III – Institutional capacity

Through specifically planned measures, Inapp intervened in the planning and implementation of statistical surveys, foreseen by the National Statistical Plan (PNS), for the development of platforms (for example Atlas of Work, Portal of Professions), analyses of the labour market, with specific attention to assessing and understanding emerging phenomena with the aim to also support policymaking.

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Axis IV – Technical assistance

Information and communication activities were carried out to raise awareness on the objectives and opportunities offered by Pon Spao and enhance the results achieved.