
Since 5 April 2024 Dr. Natale Forlani is Inapp’s President in office, appointed by decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies No. 55 of 5 April 2024. The President is the Institute’s legal representative and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and of the Scientific Committee.

The President is in charge of ensuring uniformity of the approach followed by the Institute and coordinating its technical and scientific activity; the President is also in charge of setting guidance and objectives with respect to research activities, and providing guidelines to the Director General for their implementation, while taking into account the strategic objectives set on a national and European level and the guidelines set by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. Furthermore, the President oversees relations with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and with other institutional bodies, and is the external representative of the Institute also from a legal point of view.

The President shall hold office for a four-year term, renewable only once.

Secretariat: 0685447700 | 0685447642
Peo (ordinary email): [email protected]
Pec (certified email): [email protected]