18.04.2023 – Inapp, Employment: Record employment rate for VET pathways, 3 years after graduation 71% of graduates and 68% of qualified people are employed


Inapp, Job: Record employment rate for VET pathways, 3 years after graduation 71% of graduates and 68% of qualified people are employed

Fadda: “This is a step forward from the already positive values recorded two years ago – 62.2 percent and 69.2 percent. VET pathways are probably the most promising measure that facilitate the transition between education/training to the workforce. This is also validated by the fact that people are employed in jobs they trained for, which ensures higher employee satisfaction”

Rome, April 18, 2023 – While we await to know more about how the “made in Italy highschool” will be structured, the data on VET (Vocational Education and Training) continues to improve. The number of participants in these programmes grows as does their rate of their employment: three years after graduation  67.7 percent of qualified people and 71.5 percent of graduates are employed.

This is what emerges from the Fourth Survey on the Outcomes of IFTS and VET pathways, which looks at VET graduates (qualifications and diplomas) at the end of January 2020, three years after graduation. The survey results were previewed today by Inapp (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis) at a seminar.

Professor Sebastiano Fadda, President of Inapp said “This is a step forward from the already positive values recorded two years ago – 62.2 percent and 69.2 percent. VET pathways are probably the most promising measure that facilitate the transition between education/training to the workforce. This is also validated by the fact that people are employed in jobs they trained for, which ensures higher employee satisfaction”

But the positive effect of VET pathways does not stop here. Even among the unemployed, there is still an “employability” effect: the share of inactive people among those who have obtained a degree is residual, not exceeding 1 percent. In other words, even if unemployed, VET graduates are still looking for opportunities. For instance, 14 percent are looking for work, 8.7 percent are in training and 5.3 percent are engaged in other activities. This also applies to those with professional qualifications with 9% of young people in training, 4% engaged in various capacities (internships, community service, etc.) and 3.4% looking for their first job.

Also very interesting is the figure for foreign graduates, which exceeds 77 percent of the employed. The percentage of unemployed is slightly higher – 2 percent – than the national average and the percentage of young people in training 1.8 lower (6.9 percent versus 8.7 percent of the total). Inactive individuals are virtually non-existent.

The survey also looked at how young people find employment. 46 percent of qualified individuals and 52.2 percent of graduates found employment through spontaneous application with the employer. The second most successful way to find a job was through referrals to the company by family members of acquaintances (34% for qualified and 38% for graduates). For foreign nationals, the most effective method is via direct relationship with the company or training institution. 

As for the type of employment relationship, for qualified individuals, it is evenly divided between fixed-term and permanent (with the latter accounting for more than half by apprenticeship contracts), with 5.5 percent self-employment and 5 percent para-subordinate relationship.

For high school graduates, the share of permanent contracts reaches 64.5 percent (again, more than half of these can be attributed to apprenticeships), compared with 27 percent fixed-term, 7.3 percent self-employed and a small share of para-subordinate working relationships.

For fixed term contracts, standard ones constitute just under 84 percent, seasonal contracts just under 14 percent of the total, and the rest mostly falling under intermittent and ancillary work relationships. 

“Overall, the data emerging from the survey,” Fadda stressed, “show substantial continuity and dynamism in the system, albeit with important territorial differences. Overall, even the pandemic has not had much impact on employment status. In 2020, the employment rate of qualified young people only decreased by 6.2 percent points, with 5.1 being in furlough. VET training fosters optimal match between demand and supply of vocation skills, focuses on business needs, particularly those of specific productive sectors, but also on those of young people. To ensure VET continues to improve it will be crucial to promptly align training offerings with business needs and the production fabric of the country. To this end, a strong commitment is needed to improve the mechanisms for linking the analysis of the evolution of professional needs, the design of training courses and career orientation services.”


For more information:

Giancarlo Salemi – INAPP President Spokesperson (347 6312823)

[email protected]



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