ESS Round 11 kicks off

09/19/2023 – Inapp, as a full member of the international ERIC-ESS consortium, is about to launch Round 11 of the European Social Survey (ESS) in Italy.

The European Social Survey (ESS) is a survey designed to monitor the habits, beliefs and behaviours of people residing in European countries. The survey is conducted every two years in more than 20 countries, in line with high standards of scientific rigour in transnational social science research. The survey, financed by Italian and European funds, will help assess the extent to which people share similar options and beliefs. 

The field phase of the Italian survey, conducted by a consortium of companies consisting of Teleperformance KS Italia S.p.A. and IZI S.p.A., will be launched at the beginning of October 2023 and will finish at the end of February 2024. The survey involves about 5,500 individuals, aged 15 and older, randomly drawn in more than 200 Italian municipalities.

The purpose of Inapp’s participation in ESS is to provide the scientific community, policy makers and the public with a reliable and methodologically robust framework on social change in Italy, compared to other European countries. The philosophy of the ESS survey is to produce a public resource: the data collected are made available for free to students, researchers, policy makers, and citizens who wish to learn more about social change in their country and in Europe.

Sebastiano Fadda, President of Inapp, is the ESS National Representative for Italy. The Italian working team consists of Inapp researchers who are experts in the field of survey research and in charge of all aspects related to the design and carrying out of the survey.

Per ulteriori informazioni si può consultare il sito europeo della European Social Survey. I dati relativi a tutti i Round dell’indagine, per tutti i Paesi che vi hanno partecipato, sono disponibili sull’ESS Data Portal.

Per contatti: [email protected].

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Inapp Report n. 41/2023
Executive Summary