Ongoing Review of Socioeconomic Indicators Survey (IRIS)

24.04.2024 – Understanding the changes brought about by technological, cultural and organisational transitions and preparing new survey parameters and tools. This is the objective of a new survey recently launched by Inapp: IRIS (Indagine sulla Revisione degli Indicatori Socioeconomici – Survey on the Revision of Socioeconomic Indicators), this first edition, of an experimental nature, was prepared as part of the RIS (Revision of Socioeconomic Indicators) project with the aim of helping to improve the provision of public services, institutional communication and general safety.

The survey, aimed at individuals aged between 18 and 65, involves the target audience mainly through social channels. Those who participate in the survey receive links to answer simple questionnaires divided into 4 thematic modules that can be filled out online sequentially on different types of devices (PC, telephone) lasting about 10 minutes per module.

The first module deals with the world of work and how it is becoming increasingly complex. The second deals with public goods and services. The third deals with social measures: risks, preferences and knowledge. Finally, the fourth deals with the choices and options we face on a daily basis. Upon completion of the forms, which take only a few minutes to complete, participants receive free access to one of five training courses offered to participants.

For more information and to contribute to the research go here.

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