Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging

06.02.2023 – The consultation on the development of aging policies in Italy is open until February 28th 2023 on ParteciPa, the Italian government’s platform dedicated to public consultation and participation processes. The initiative is promoted by Inapp, which provides technical-scientific support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. All stakeholders and parties interested in this issue are invited to provide their insights in the online consultation.

Specifically, the consultation is aimed at:

  • older citizens and their families
  • representatives of associations of the elderly and the third sector, at the national or local level, that deal with these issues or provide services in this area
  • representatives of public administrations and local authorities
  • representatives of the private economic sector and trade unions.

In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Aging adopted the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (MIPAA) setting an agenda of commitments and policy approaches related to aging in the 21st century and a five-year implementation path. In June 2022, at the end of the fourth review cycle of the Plan, the UNECE Inter-Ministerial Conference on MIPAA+20 Aging was held in Rome, in which representatives of Inapp had also participated, and which concluded with the Ministerial Declaration “A Sustainable World for All Ages” that guided the updating of MIPAA in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In this context, the consultation builds on the “Report for Italy on the Fourth Round of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging and its Regional Strategy (MIPAA/RIS) 2018-2022.” At the end of the public consultation phase, a report will be prepared based on the input received and made available online as an annex to the same Report.

Feedback is requested in the following areas:

  • recognising the potential of older people
  • encouraging longer working life
  • ensuring dignified aging
  • active and healthy aging in a sustainable world

Link to the consultation on the ParticiPa platform