Adult learning agenda 2017-2019

Person-in-charge: Claudio Vitali

[email protected]

EU Agenda for Adult Learning in Italy 2017 – 2019.

INAPP oversees this project on account of its being a body of the national coordinating entity appointed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The project aims at implementing the 2017-2019 EU Agenda for Adult Learning in Italy, capitalising on the body of knowledge derived from previous projects and courses of action, with a focus on spreading such knowledge and raising different stakeholders’ awareness of the core principles and priorities of the Agenda, in an effort to convey the importance of producing scientific evidence through desk research and field research on specific topics. Some of the topics are: use of ICT in Adult Learning, adult learning methods and adult citizenship, validation and certification of adults’ skills, funding sources of adult learning, lines of action for reforming the Adult Learning System. Furthermore, it has been stated in the Recommendation of the Council as regards Upskilling Pathways that participating countries should activate articulated adult learning pathways consisting of different passages, i.e. validation of already-acquired skills, flexibility and customisation of learning pathways, acknowledgement and certification of skills.

Considering the national legal framework, as well as the outcomes of national and international surveys, the following actions should be considered crucial and urgent:

– Favouring a wider involvement of businesses in the process of providing employees with basic skills;

-guaranteeing that processes implemented in AL centres should be properly recognised and assessed, in order to maximise the quality and reliability of education and training services;

– reflecting on the new roles and skills required of adult learning trainers in today’s contexts.

Recipients of the project’s activities therefore are: policy makers at central level; teachers, trainers, facilitators of learning, who manage human resources in medium and big businesses and their social partners; some specific adult categories, such as migrants, workers aged 50-55 years, unemployed young adults. Target outcomes for the project are: adoption of a benchmark for the assessment of quality in AL centres; higher awareness and understanding for political entities involved of the contents of the Upskilling Pathways Recommendation, which shall be conducive to more effective use of the existing funds (e.g. ESF and Erasmus+), as well as to new investments for the upskilling of teachers, trainers and facilitators of learning.   

The project’s main objective is therefore to ensure the consistency and effectiveness of all relevant policies on the matter of adult learning, including the attainment of a wider scope in the pursuit of economic and social policies, through a coordinated effort of public institutions, agencies, NG organisation and social actors at large. As a second objective, the project is apt to ensure that the adult learning offer (including the activities financed through ESF) be based on solid and accessible evidence: though the project’s reach only allows a limited impact in this domain, the programmed activities it consists of still make it possible to foster this evidence-based approach. Finally, the project’s third objective aims at providing support to national debates and discussion on adult learning policies and on the methods that shall be adopted to enact the strategy described within the Recommendation on Upskilling and Reskilling Pathways for the adult population.

Interview Vitali EPALE Rome




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