Civil Economy and Migratory Processes Unit 

This Unit is dedicated to the study of economic relations conducive to  the well-being of communities and territories. Analyses focus on patterns and forms of organized solidarity as well as on the strengthening of stakeholders and economic relations based on such values as mutuality, democracy, solidarity and social well-being, with an eye to foster social innovation and the overcoming of the traditional profit-oriented paradigm. Policies intended to support the development of such forms of economic activity are central to the study. Special attention is given to the dynamics of migration, which are specifically studied  from the perspective of inter-ethnic coexistence and contrast to discrimination. While including surveys on severely marginalized contexts and groups , our research activity prioritizes comparative approaches aimed at highlighting multifactorial inequalities.

Person-in-charge: Antonello Scialdone

Secretariat: Ilaria Di Carlo 06/85447519
[email protected]

The Civil Economy and Migratory Processes Unit consists of two Research Groups:

1) Social Innovation and forms of organized solidarity – Person-in-charge Giovannina Assunta Giuliano ([email protected]) – This group supervises the state of advancement of policies and phenomena connected with  the third sector and the promotion of active citizenship. The group also carries out assessments and testing of patterns of cooperative relations aimed at enhancing  the well-being of communities and territories. It also promotes multidisciplinary surveys onto solidarity organizations and their interconnections , as well as on public investments and socially responsible stakeholders. In tandem with local authorities and with the relevant Central Administration Departments (Presidency of the Council of Ministers Departments, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies), it  carries out research work on socially valuable initiatives pursuing  community goals, It draws up technical papers and scientific reports connected with international publications and to guidelines issued by supernational Agencies. It interacts with representative networks and social infrastructure systems resulting from  institutional intervention and reflecting interests on the issues in point.

2) Mobility and integration policies – Person-in-charge Aldo Rosano ([email protected]) – This research Group supervises the evolution of migration phenomena and all  relevant matters with reference to international relations and regulatory processes impacting  on the domestic framework. It carries out assessments and tests concerning the study and promotion of integration measures. It conducts research work in this field in interaction with the relevant central Administration Departments and with local authorities. With regards to migration and inter-ethnic coexistence issues it carries out secondary analyses based on primary sources, recurrent surveys and other information databases, as well as field surveys concerning peculiar targets such as foreign-origin children and severely marginalized migrants. It promotes multi-disciplinary surveys focused both on the study of multifactorial inequalities and on discrimination risks; it draws up technical papers and scientific reports connected to international publications and to guidelines issued by supernational Agencies; it interacts with representative networks and social infrastructure systems resulting from institutional intervention and reflecting interests on the issues in point.

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