Call for papers 2-2023 – closed

The Special issue Crisis of labour: causes, consequences and policy actions seeks to collect contributions dealing with evidence and mechanisms behind the crisis of labour that capitalist economies are facing: The CfP, with the scope of understanding causes, consequences and policy solutions to address the crisis of labour, collects contributions on the following research themes: 

1. Thematic line 1: wage setting schemes, wage-bargaining and negotiation, wage dispersions (firm-level analysis) and role of employers power.

2. Thematic line 2: industrial and territorial specialization giving rise to lock-in effects (industry and geographical level analysis) in detrimental and bad occupations

3. Thematic line 3: feminilization of labour markets, occupational segregations and gender-wage gaps particularly in light of the pandemic effects

4. Thematic line 4: role of labour market institutions to revert the crisis of labour in particular minimum wages, collective bargaining, income support schemes.

Contributions are expected from a multidisciplinary perspective, from economics to economic sociology, labour history and labour management studies. Within these subjects, we urge the submission of original papers and not submitted to other journals, of length between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

They should be received by 31th May 2023 and sent to [email protected]. Journal style and formatting rules are available here:

EDITORIAL STAFF[email protected]

Guest editors: Maria Enrica Virgillito, Michele Raitano