
Thematic country review on upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in Italy
Analisi tematica per Paese sui percorsi di miglioramento del livello di competenze degli adulti low-skilled in Italia – Risultati chiave della prima fase di indagine
Vocational education and training in Europe – Italy: system description
Teachers and trainers in a changing world – Italy: Building up competences for inclusive, green and digitalised vocational educa
Spotlight on VET 2020 – VET in Italy
Spotlight on VET 2020 – VET in Europe Link:
Vocational education and training in Europe: Italy 2018
Developments in vocational education and training policy in 2015-19: Italy
International mobility in apprenticeships: focus on long-term mobility: Italy
European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Italy
The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7
Online job vacancies and skills analysis
Millions of online job vacancies used to map employer needs
The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 6
Italy – European inventory on NQF 2018
Italy – 2018 Skills forecast
Cedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: Italy
Le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro
Spotlight on VET – 2018 compilation
Cedefop VET opinion survey country reports
Spotlight on VET Italy
Italy: VET in Europe: country report 2016
Vocational education and training in Italy – Short description
Key competences in vocational education and training – Italy
Supporting teachers and trainers for successful reforms and quality of VET – Italy
Innovation in VET – Italy
Apprenticeship-type schemes and structured work-based learning programmes – Italy
Early leaving from VET – Italy
Italy – Bibliographic references in VET-Bib database