
ReferNet, the European network created by CEDEFOP, is a project which includes Europe 2020 Strategy, the Education and Training 2020 Framework (ET2020), the Bruges Communiquè and all the latest EU guidelines aiming at strengthening the performance and interdependence between VET policies and socio-economic and employment policies, also by developing patterns to monitor and compare the results attained by different EU Countries.

CEDEFOP is the EU Agency entrusted – since the year 2000 – by the European Commission with the role of monitoring and comparing specific measures and actions established at national level, by producing regular Reports on how Member States are progressing in their implementation of European VET (Vocational Education and Training) policies.

The Agency fulfills its role through the European ReferNet network made up of the national partners to the project, each of which represents its own Member Country and provides detailed insights in terms of quality and quantity to help describe systems and monitor national training and employment policies.

ReferNet Italy

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