ReferNet Italy

Inapp plays an institutional role in its capacity as a national ReferNet Partner.

Inapp (former Isfol) has been playing on a continuous basis the role of National ReferNet Partner, having been awarded special European agreements operated by CEDEFOP, and having been subsequently awarded all four-year partnership agreements, including the present one covering the 2020-2023 four-year period.

What we do

Activities covered by ReferNet aim to provide information and data in terms of quantity and quality on the configuration of national vocational education and training (VET) systems and on the implementation progress of the European VET strategic framework.

This fact-finding mission covers the following projects:

  • Policy Reporting activity aimed at providing an overview on the development in VET policies and reforms, with special reference to the achievement of European priorities at national level;
  • The VET in Europe Country report describes the VET system in each Member State, and its evolution from a European perspective. The Report also includes the latest innovations introduced at national level following the strengthening of the European Vocational Education and Training Space and the European Area of Skills and Qualifications;
  • Spotlight on VET flyers are an immediately available and highly accessible overview intended also for foreign readers interested in learning about the characteristics of the Italian VET system. These constantly updated flyers highlight the main features of the VET system of each Country;
  • Articles and essays on additional themes complement the information included in the Country Report, which focuses on prominent issues included in the VET Agenda of each European rotating Presidency;
  • News stories provide updates or cover special “cases” to report recent developments in vocational training and labour market issues at national level.

Stakeholders involved

ReferNet is aimed at institutional stakeholders and social partners playing leading roles in their own different capacity as regards VET active policies, as well as at the beneficiaries of such policies.

In particular, ReferNet works in favour of the following parties:

  • Policy-makers and institutional stakeholders in charge of devising and implementing national VET policies
  • Persons-in-charge of VET organisations, trainers and teachers
  • Researchers and sector experts
  • Italian students and citizens
  • European (and non-European) citizens interested in learning about the Italian system and its features as a possible study and work place.

Download Italian brochure  (PDF 2,68 Mb.)

Download English brochure  (PDF 1,45 Mb.)